The Screwtape Letters (Standby for Screwtape) - NYC EPA (04.01.25) | Playbill


The Screwtape Letters (Standby for Screwtape) - NYC EPA (04.01.25)

CATEGORY: Performer

Fellowship for the Performing Arts, Inc.
New York, NY

Job Details


Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Tuesday, April 1, 2025

9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (E)

Lunch 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM



LOA Reference to LORT - Periodic Performance (PP)

Initial Rehearsal Salary: $2250/week + health/pension

Starting August 1st: $2500/month + 10% + health/pension.

Includes 8 hours of brush-up rehearsal per month, if necessary.

When called to perform: add $500 per performance.

When travelling for performance of rehearsal, Producer covers Standby’s travel + housing + $75/day per diem


Equity actors for a Standby for Screwtape for THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS (See breakdown).


Please prepare a brief text driven monologue in an RP English dialect. Also, bring your headshot and resume stapled together.


Pearl Studios (500)

500 8th Ave

New York, NY 10018-6504

Holding room - Studio 311


Adapted for the stage by Max McLean

Director: Max McLean & Ken Denison

Executive Producer: Ken Denison

General Manager: Aruba Productions

Expected to Attend:

Associate Producer: Christa Scott-Reed

Casting Director: Stephanie Klapper

Casting Assistant: Gracie Guichard


First Rehearsal in NYC: June 16, 2025

Monthly Stipend Begins: August 1, 2025

Contract through: December 31, 2025, with possible extension


EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition.

An Equity Monitor will be provided.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.




Founded by award-winning actor, Max McLean, FPA is a not-for-profit New York-based production company producing theatre and film from a Christian worldview to engage a diverse audience. FPA’s unique touring structure consists of brief “run-outs” – performances are largely on weekends only (with occasional one or two week runs), and artists return home in between shows. The standby will not be required to travel when not called to perform or rehearse. Please be sure to peruse the theatre’s website for more information on this unique company:


This international hit is a faithful adaptation of one of C.S. Lewis’ most popular and influential novels. Since its premiere in 2006, the show has performed for many thousands of people in 81 cities, including runs in New York and London, and continues to play to packed audiences across the country.

Screwtape is a senior demon in hell who commands profound psychological insights about human nature that he uses to ruin lives and damn souls. The action takes place in hell where Screwtape is masterminding the take down of his prey, the Patient, an unsuspecting everyman on earth. Though Screwtape is despicable, he is likeable and seductive. Screwtape directly addresses the audience, letting them in on his plans and schemes. He is aided by his demon assistant, Toadpipe, but Screwtape is the only character who speaks in the play. The 2-person show runs 80 minutes with no intermission.


Standby for SCREWTAPE – Male, 40s - 50s. Lead. A master of the universe type character who loves everything about himself and is the smartest guy in the room. He is proud, refined, witty, persuasive, and charming. Able to make complex ideas accessible to audience members of all ages. He has a commanding vocal and physical presence that can turn on a dime from saying sweet nothings in your ear to blowing the roof off the building. He charms in one moment and threatens in the next. Screwtape uses language to intoxicate his audience and himself. The character is part Iago, who brings you into his confidence to manipulate and destroy you, and part Hannibal Lecter, whose sophisticated external persona hides the dangerous cannibal inside. The character gets lots of laughs, but they bloom from the brilliance of his argument, not from schtick. A tour-de-force role. RP English accent.


LOA LOA Reference to LORT - Periodic Performance (PP), Initial Rehearsal Salary: $2250/week + health/pension; Starting August 1st: $2500/month + 10% + health/pension. Includes 8 hours of brush-up rehearsal per month, if necessary. When called to perform: add $500 per performance. When travelling for performance of rehearsal, Producer covers Standby’s travel + housing + $75/day per diem




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