Gulfshore Playhouse 2025-26 Season and The Twelfth Night Show (Weston Theater Co) - NYC EPA (04.02.25) | Playbill


Gulfshore Playhouse 2025-26 Season and The Twelfth Night Show (Weston Theater Co) - NYC EPA (04.02.25)

CATEGORY: Performer

Various Producers

Job Details


Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Wednesday, April 2, 2025

9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (E)

Lunch 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


LORT Non-Rep

$839 weekly minimum (LORT D) + health/pension/transportation/lodging


Equity actors for roles in Gulfshore Playhouse's 2025-26 Season and THE TWELFTH NIGHT SHOW at Weston Theater Company (See breakdown).

Some roles may be understudied.

No Equity stage managerial positions are available.


Please prepare one brief song OR one brief monologue in the style of something within the season. An accompanist will be provided. Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together. If you are unable to attend this EPA, you are welcome to send a picture/resume submission for season consideration to - however, please note: EPA procedures are in effect: we are unable to schedule any appointments at that address.


Actors' Equity New York Audition Center

165 W 46th St

16th Fl

New York, NY 10036



Producing Artistic Director: Kristen Coury

Managing Director: Joel Markus

Associate Artistic Director: Dann Dunn


Executive Artistic Director: Susanna Gellert

Expected to attend:

Casting Director: Michael Cassara, CSA

See breakdown for production specific personnel.


See breakdown for production specific dates.


EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition.

An Equity Monitor will be provided.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.


Gulfshore Playhouse 2025-26 Season and THE TWELFTH NIGHT SHOW (Weston Theater Co)

Gulfshore Playhouse 2025-26 Season

Moran Theatre (Mainstage)


Director: Dann Dunn

Choreographer: Sara Brians

Music Director: Trevor M. Pierce

First Rehearsal: October 14, 2025

First Preview: November 11, 2025

Opening: November 14, 2025

Closing: December 21, 2025


[BOB WALLACE] male, any race/ethnicity, late 20s-late 30s. A major singing star, Bob is the guiding force behind the song and dance team of Wallace and Davis. He wears his fame easily and is a born leader but has some trouble with social and romantic interactions. Despite his occasional gruffness, he is a deeply kind and principled man who is searching for his true love. A superb singer with a crooning style - dances extremely well. Baritone.

[PHIL DAVIS] male, any race/ethnicity, late 20s-late 30s. The fun-loving, go-getting song-and-dance partner of the team Wallace and Davis. An irrepressible clown, operator and incorrigible flirt who is determined to see his friend happy, even if it requires scheming and outright deception. He has a boyish charm and sex appeal. Strong jazz and tap-dancer – a song-and-dance comic performer; BariTenor.

[BETTY HAYNES] female, any race/ethnicity, late 20s-late 30s. The sensible, responsible half of the up-and-coming song-and-dance team, the Haynes Sisters. Destined to be a star in her own right, she is nonetheless hesitant to take the spotlight for herself. A woman of decent, upstanding principles, she is devoted to her younger sister. Like Bob, she hides her yearning for true love under a protective shell. A rich chest mix sound with a soprano extension. Dances extremely well.

[JUDY HAYNES] female, any race/ethnicity, 20s-30s. The younger, more ambitious, slightly scheming Haynes sister. While wholesome and adorable, she is flirty and a winning charmer. Strong jazz and tap dancer – a major song-and-dance performer with a chest mix.

[GENERAL HENRY WAVERLY] male, any race/ethnicity, late 50s-mid 60s. A retired US Army General, adjusting to returning to civilian life in post-World War II America. Once a powerful leader, he now struggles to run an Inn in Vermont. He remains a man of great principle and dignity. Beneath his curmudgeonly military exterior lies a warm, compassionate man in need of family and love. A mostly non-singing role.

[MARTHA WATSON] female, any race/ethnicity, late 40s-mid 60s. Once a Broadway star, now the General’s housekeeper and receptionist at the Inn. Martha has a very dry, wry, wisecracking sense of humor. Bighearted but completely unsentimental, she runs the General’s life in spite of his protestations. She is an irrepressible meddler, but always for what she believes to be the other guy’s best interests. A winning, appealing character-comedienne with a clarion belt voice.

[SUSAN WAVERLY] female, any race/ethnicity, 12-15 year old child. The General’s granddaughter, Susan is a lovable and outgoing real kid. She is very smart, wise beyond her years, and cares deeply about her grandfather. Once bitten hard by the showbiz bug, she demonstrates everything that is winning in the ultimate child performer. She has an excellent belt voice and is able to move well.

[RALPH SHELDRAKE] male, any race/ethnicity, mid to late 30s. Army buddy of Bob and Phil’s, now a major television executive with the Ed Sullivan Show. Fast-talking, New York professional. Baritone.

[EZEKIEL FOSTER] male, any race/ethnicity, mid 40s-late 50s. The ultimate taciturn New Englander, who helps out at the Inn and takes life at a very slow pace.

[MIKE] male, any race/ethnicity, mid 20s-Late 30s. Bob and Phil’s Stage Manager. Has a tendency to be over-dramatic and completely hysterical, but will get things done. Never seen without his whistle and clipboard, which he uses to attempt to keep order.


Director: Laura Kepley

First Rehearsal: December 16, 2025

First Preview: January 11, 2026

Opening: January 15, 2026

Closing: February 16, 2026


[MOLLIE RALSTON] female, 20s-30s. The co-owner and brand-new proprietress of Monskwell Manor with her husband, Giles. She has an ‘ingenous air.’ Though she lacks experience, she makes up for it in her work ethic, her cunning, and her good sense. She carries deep guilt from her past and hasn’t forgiven herself.

[GILES RALSTON] male, 20s-30s. The co-owner and brand-new proprietor of Monkswell Manor. Confident, sometimes arrogant, and eager to prove himself. Loving, but insecure in his young marriage, and his jealousy becomes increasingly dangerous.

[CHRISTOPHER WREN] male, early 20s. A flighty, neurotic, and off-putting young man. His strange behavior may be covering up something from his past, or perhaps he is just deeply lonely.

[MRS. BOYLE] female, 50s-60s. A former magistrate. Stern, unpleasant, and demanding without apology. Her actions belie her guilty conscious and desire for forgiveness.

[MAJOR METCALF] male, 50s-60s. A typical military officer. Curious, observant, and helpful. His pleasant countenance makes him difficult to read.

[MISS CASEWELL] female, early 30s. A contrarian who refuses to live the way others expect a young woman to and is disparaged for being too ‘manly.’ Her confidence is intimidating to others and she knows it. She’s aloof and carries darkness with her.

[MR. PARAVICINI] male, late 40s. An unexpected guest. It seems as though he may be trying to hide his true identity by pretending to be older than he is. His erratic behavior keeps everyone off balance and he enjoys toying with others.

[DETECTIVE SERGEANT TROTTER] male, mid-20s. A cheerful, commonplace young man with a slight cockney accent. He is competent and energetic, determined to solve the crime at hand.


Playwright: Oscar Wilde

Director: Kristen Coury

First Rehearsal: February 3, 2026

First Preview: March 1, 2026

Opening: March 5, 2026

Closing: April 4, 2026


[JOHN WORTHING (JACK/ERNEST)] Male, 30s. Handsome and ‘earnest.’ A Justice of the Peace; a seemingly responsible and respectable young man who leads a double life; guardian of Cecily Cardew. British dialect. Strong comedy skills.

[ALGERNON MONCRIEFF] Male. 20s-30s. A charming bachelor; best friend of Jack who he knows as Ernest and nephew of Lady Bracknell; brilliant, witty, selfish, and amoral. British dialect. Strong comedy skills.

[REV. CANON CHASUBLE] Male, 50s-60s. Rector of the Worthing estate; Doctor of Divinity; entertains secret romantic feelings for Miss Prism. British dialect.

[LANE/MERRIMAN] Male, 50s-60s. Will Double as both of these roles: Lane only appears in Act I; Merriman only appears in Act II and III. Lane is Algernon Moncrieff’s manservant. Merriman is Butler to John Worthing. British dialect.

[LADY BRACKNELL] Female, 60s. Algernon Moncrieff’s snobbish, mercenary, and domineering aunt and Gwendolen’s mother; primary goal is to see her daughter marry well; cunning, narrow-minded, and authoritative. British dialect.

[GWENDOLEN FAIRFAX] Female, 20s-30s. Lady Bracknell’s daughter and Algernon Moncrieff’s cousin; in love with Jack whom she knows as Ernest; sophisticated, intellectual, cosmopolitan, and utterly pretentious. British dialect. Strong comedy skills.

[CECILY CARDEW] Female, 20s-30s. John Worthing’s ward; intrigued by the idea of wickedness. Sweet, hopeful, and magnetic.

[MISS PRISM] Female, 40s-50s. Miss Cardew’s governess; despite her rigidity seems to have a softer side; entertains romantic feelings for Rev. Chasuble. British dialect.


Director: Matt Lenz

Choreographer: Dann Dunn

First Rehearsal: March 31, 2026

First Preview: April 26, 2026

Opening: April 30, 2026

Closing: May 31, 2026

Possible Extension thru: June 14, 2026


[CAROLE KING] Female, 20s. Ages from 16-29 throughout the show. An aspiring singer/songwriter. A unique, appealing, funny and vulnerable girl from a Jewish family in Brooklyn. Talented, good natured, unassuming and often the peace maker in difficult situations. A reluctant star with no pretense and a passion for music. A powerful, distinctive voice.

[GERRY GOFFIN] Male, 20s. Ages from late teens to late 20s throughout the show. Carole’s boyfriend, songwriting partner and eventual husband. He is smoldering, dark & handsome with a rebel vibe. Although sexy, he is innately sympathetic, wounded and tortured. An ambitious artist always striving for more. Sings well. Baritone/tenor.

[CYNTHIA WEIL] Female, 20s. Ages from late teens to late 20s throughout the show. A songwriter who becomes romantically involved with Barry. Carole’s best friend. She is sophisticated, smart & chic with a quick wit. Although self-confident and sarcastic, she is also extremely likeable. Strong comic timing and sings extremely well. Belt.

[BARRY MANN] Male, 20s, ages from late teens to late 20s throughout the show. A songwriter who becomes romantically involved with Cynthia. He is good natured, appealing & neurotic. Ambitious, but likeable. Comedic with a great voice. A strong high tenor comfortable with pop & rock style singing.

[DON KIRSCHNER] Male, mid-30s-late 40s. An influential music publisher and producer. He is a fast-talking, energetic force of nature. Powerful, direct & sometimes intimidating, but he has a real affinity for his writers and artists. A hit maker.

[GENIE] Female. 40s-50s. Carole’s Jewish mother. Once an aspiring playwright, she has been broken down by life & her husband’s infidelity. Protective of Carole and unforgiving of her husband’s mistakes.

Struthers Studio


Playwright: Edward Albee

Director: Kristen Coury

First Rehearsal: September 16, 2025

First Preview: October 21, 2025

Opening: October 23, 2025

Closing: November 23, 2025


[MARTHA] [THIS ROLE IS CAST] Female, 50s. Wife to George and daughter to the college president. She is provocative and domineering, and discontented and frustrated. She masks her self-contempt with alcoholism. She looks younger than her age and tries to act like it, too.

[GEORGE] [THIS ROLE IS CAST] Male, Late 40s-50s. Devoted and enabling husband to Martha. Once brimming with potential, he is now a failure of a history professor. Weary and beaten down, haunted by his past. At first, he seems passive, but he can give as good as he gets when pushed.

[NICK] Male, 20s-30s. Ambitious and intelligent. A clean-cut former athlete turned assistant professor, new to his post. Married Honey because she said she was pregnant.

[HONEY] Female, 20s. Naive, frail, and submissive wife to Nick. She gets deeper in her cups to survive the evening.


Playwright; Deb Hiett

Director: Jeffrey Binder

First Rehearsal: December 29, 2025

First Preview: January 27, 2026

Opening: January 29, 2026

Closing: March 1, 2026


[MIA] Female, late 40s. An author and public speaker. Her persona as a public speaker is calm, self-assured, and put together, but it definitely masks her far more frenetic real-life demeanor. She is burdened by a dark secret from her past and has refused to confront the truth of her relationship with her late husband.

[LEXI] Female, late 30s. School nurse and Ethan’s mom. A loving young mom doing her best. She has been dealing with Ethan’s unusual temperament for his entire life and is currently trapped in an abusive relationship.

[ETHAN] Male, 18+ to play 15. Lexi’s son who believes he is the reincarnation of Mia’s late husband. Ethan is a timid young boy who is occasionally possessed by the spirit of Robby, Mia’s charismatic and brash late husband.

[CALISTA] Female, 18+ to play 17. Mia’s daughter. One of those people who was born perfectly at ease with her space in the world and her value in it.


Playwright: Ken Ludwig

Director: Risa Brainin

First Rehearsal: February 24, 2026

First Preview: March 24, 2026

Opening: March 26, 2026

Closing: April 26, 2026


[LOUISE] [THIS ROLE IS CAST] An aspiring actress and dancer in New York City. Outgoing and stylish, brings out Jack’s sense of humor. Witty, confident, and hopeful.

[JACK] [THIS ROLE IS CAST] A military doctor. He has a reserved personality, but a keen sense of humor and warmth. Charismatic, kind, and upstanding.

Weston Theater Company


Created by Jacob Brandt and Megumi Nakamura

Book by Megumi Nakamura

Original Music by Jacob Brandt

Based on the play by William Shakespeare

Director: Megumi Nakamura

Musical Director: Jacob Brandt

Casting Director: Michael Cassara, CSA

First Rehearsal 9/9/2025

First Preview 9/26/2025

Opening 9/28/2025

Closing 10/12/2025

All roles require strong comedic timing, command of Shakespearean language, and excellent musicianship.


A - Baritenor. He/Him. Any ethnicity. Believes himself to be the leader of the group and deems himself an expert in all things "Shakespeare". Can be condescending and loud but is ultimately sweet and insecure. Doubles as Malvolio, Feste, and others. Excellent folk guitarist. Ideally plays other handheld instruments (ukulele, banjo, mandolin, bass, etc.).

B - Alto. Any gender identity. BIPOC. Idealist. Loves Shakespeare but is bored of the traditional tropes. Knows they are the smartest in the room. Doubles as Viola and others. Plays at least one of the following: guitar, bass, cello, violin, piano. Ideally a multi-instrumentalist.

C - Alto. Any gender identity. Any ethnicity. Stand-up comedian, improv actor, and musician. Always goes for the laugh. Terrible taste in men. Doubles as Olivia, Sir Toby, and others. Plays at least one of the following: guitar, bass, cello, violin, piano. Ideally a multi-instrumentalist.

D - Tenor. Any gender identity. Any ethnicity. Crazy talented, but less confident than they should be. Shy. A romantic. Doubles as Orsino, Sir Andrew, and others. Excellent percussionist and guitarist. Ideally plays other handheld instruments (ukulele, banjo, mandolin, bass, etc.).


LORT Non-Rep $839 weekly minimum (LORT D) + health/pension/transportation/lodging




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