So things are heating up as the holiday madness is in full swing. What are you celebrating this winter season?
Find out which musical character's journey mirrors that of yours for the month of December!
(October 23–November 21)
Diana | Diana
It is heartbreaking to realize you’re not living your life, Sagittarius! When you gain the clarity and perspective to see your situation for what it is, you have the ability to feel the pain and let it move through you. Eventually, you will see the power of letting go.

(December 22–January 19)
King Basilius | Head Over Heels
There’s a difference between tradition and rigidity, Capricorn! Customary practices don’t always stand the test of time, so rather than forcing something because it has always been done that way before, allow for evolution and watch your mind get blown.

(January 20–February 18)
Emile De Becque | South Pacific
You are very well-resourced, Aquarius! Everything you need is at your fingertips, though be aware of how you came into those resources. Use your assets wisely, and the seeds you plant will bloom forever.

(February 19–March 20)
Porgy | Porgy and Bess
Life is full of cycles, Pisces! You might start at the bottom, then you’re riding high, and before you know it, you’re being crushed under the wheel. The closer you can stay to your center, the easier it is to keep your balance.

(March 21–April 19)
Rocky Balboa | Rocky
You’ve been through the wringer, Aries! You fought to the end and have the battle wounds to prove it, but you know it is a worthy cause that you’re defending. Take a moment to nurse yourself back to health, you have a right to rest.

(April 20–May 20)
Katherine Howard | SIX: The Musical
Keep an eye on your back, Taurus! Even children know that sticks and stones aren’t the only things that hurt — words can be even more painful. You may be criticized or injured by someone’s language, make sure it isn’t your own.

(May 21–June 20)
Joe & Jerry | Some Like It Hot
What happens when you lay your cards on the table, Gemini? You have to have the courage to be truthful with not only the world, but also yourself. When you show up in your authenticity, the results could surprise you.

(June 21–July 22)
Dolly Levi | Hello, Dolly!
You’re right where you belong, Cancer! When you put your hand in there, magic is made and the world takes notice. You know how to use the fire that gets you out of bed every morning to create or destroy, what will you choose?

(July 23–August 22)
Dorothy | The Wiz
Your self-reliance is inspiring, Leo! Not everyone can survive a journey like yours, caring not only for yourself but those around you. Take a look at all you’ve accomplished and know that you’ve always held the power.

(August 23–September 22)
Wendla Bergmann | Spring Awakening
The joy and ignorance of youth, right Virgo?! The innocence that you once had given way to a deeper understanding of the world. As the naivety of childhood evolves into a discovery of adolescence, invite your inner child to play.

(September 23–October 22)
Claire Zachanassian | The Visit
What does justice look like for you, Libra? Are you choosing violence or restoration? We all have pain, what you do with it is what matters. You might want to jump on one end of the scale to balance things, but consider whether it truly serves you.

(October 23–November 21)
Nettie | The Color Purple
It is time to celebrate your success, Scorpio! You adventured through eclipse season in your sign, and you’re ready to kick off the party. Savor the festivities while you can, there are more changes on your horizon.