Written by Eric Ulloa, "26 Pebbles is a new play that explores the power of community in the face of unimaginable tragedy. On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT. The tragedy captured the attention—and broke the hearts—of the entire nation. These 26 innocent deaths—referred to by one Newtown resident as 'pebbles thrown into a pond'— created ripples and vibrations that were felt across the country," according to press notes.
Igor Goldin will direct the 7 PM benefit reading, hosted by The Culture Project, which commemorates the two-year anniversary of the event.
The play is based on interviews Ulloa conducted with residents of Newtown, CT.
"Months after the tragedy in Newtown, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were losing a precious moment in time, as far as learning from this horrific event," Ulloa said in a statement. "The story became a divisive political issue and we stopped listening to the voices of this community that still had a whole lot to say. I went to Newtown 5 months after the tragedy, just to allow people to talk about what was on their minds and how they felt about all this. It soon became clear that they were giving me a guide book on how to navigate tragedy and how to try to bring about the best possible outcome from the worst possible situation. This community, and their understanding of what that words means, changed my life forever, and their stories have the power to change many, many more. I am honored and extremely humbled to be the one to give these beautiful interviews a forum to be heard within."
For tickets, priced $50-$150, visit ovationtix.com or phone (866) 811-4111. The Lynn Redgrave Theater is located at 45 Bleecker Street.