Ford Center for the Performing Arts (1998) New York, NY | Playbill

Ford Center for the Performing Arts

The Ford Center for the Performing Arts premiered in 1998 as part of the extensive Times Square renewal project. The new facility combined restored elements of the condemned Lyric and Apollo Theatres that once inhabited the site. The venue was renamed the Hilton Theatre in 2005, the Foxwoods Theatre in 2010, and the Lyric Theatre in 2014.
  • Built: 1998
  • Number of Seats: 1622
  • Longest Running Show: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
  • Performances: 2,128

Owner History

May 20, 2013 - ATG Entertainment Theatre Owner
Nov 30, 2005 - May 19, 2013 Live Nation Theatre Owner
Feb 29, 2000 - Nov 30, 2005 Clear Channel Entertainment Theatre Owner
Jul 9, 1999 - Feb 29, 2000 " SFX Theatrical Group" Theatre Owner
Dec 26, 1997 - Jul 9, 1999 "Livent (U.S.) Inc." Theatre Owner

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