Steps on Broadway Is Hosting a Town Hall on Dance Plagiarism | Playbill

Special Features Steps on Broadway Is Hosting a Town Hall on Dance Plagiarism

Panelists will include Joshua Bergasse, Richard K. Hines, Courtney Ortiz, and more.

Joshua Bergasse Marc J. Franklin

Steps on Broadway will host a free town hall event centered on plagiarism in the dance world, in response to recent controversy around choreography stolen and used uncredited in classes and online videos. The event will be held October 20 at 7:30 PM at the Manhattan dance studio and will also stream live.

Former Dance Magazine Editor in Chief Wendy Perron will moderate the event, titled Inspiration or Imitation? A Town Hall on Dance & Plagiarism. Panelists will include Joshua Bergasse, Richard J. Hinds, Angel Kaba, Sarah Meahl, Courtney Ortiz, Staci Trager, and Gabby Ziccarelli.

READ: When a Dance Video Becomes Plagiarism

Plagiarism within the dance community has become an increasing problem with the proliferation of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. The latter poses a particular problem, as it is built specifically to encourage users to recreate content they see from other accounts. Though the platform publishes a wide variety of content, it has become especially known for viral dance trends that can sometimes get thousands of users participating.

Creating a viral dance can be huge for a choreographer's career and reputation, but posting one's work online also leaves it vulnerable to outright theft without credit. Dance educator Ortiz learned this recently when she discovered that dances she'd posted to social media were being used to sell classes at a dance studio in Spain without her consent. Ortiz is among the dancers who will be on the panel for the Steps on Broadway event.

Both in-person attendance and streaming access are available for free with registration at

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