The tour will launch in Providence, RI, November 1-6, en route to stops in Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco, Houston, Boston, Washington DC and elsewhere throughout the 2016-17 touring season and beyond.
Flip through the photos here.

Laura Michelle Kelly
Laura Michelle Kelly and cast
Laura Michelle Kelly
Laura Michelle Kelly
Joan Almedilla and Laura Michelle Kelly
Laura Michelle Kelly
Joan Almedilla
Laura Michelle Kelly
Jose Llana
Jose Llana
Jose Llana
Jose Llana
Jose Llana
Manna Nichols
Manna Nichols and Kavin Panmeechao
Kavin Panmeechao
Manna Nichols
Kavin Panmeechao
Manna Nichols
Kavin Panmeechao and Manna Nichols
Joan Almedilla
Laura Michelle Kelly and cast
Laura Michelle Kelly and cast
Laura Michelle Kelly and cast
Laura Michelle Kelly and cast
Laura Michelle Kelly and cast
Laura Michelle Kelly and cast
Laura Michelle Kelly and cast
Jose Llana and Laura Michelle Kelly
Monica Simoes
Jose Llana and Laura Michelle Kelly
Jose Llana and Laura Michelle Kelly
Jose Llana and Laura Michelle Kelly
Jose Llana and Laura Michelle Kelly
Bartlett Sher
Joan Almedilla
Monica Simoes
Kavin Panmeechao and Manna Nichols
Kavin Panmeechao and Manna Nichols