Atlantic Theater Company's world premiere of Grief Camp, written by Eliya Smith and directed by Tony nominee Les Waters, begins at the Off-Broadway company's Linda Gross Theater January 9. Opening is set for January 28, with performances slated to continue through February 16.
The production stars Arjun Athalye (Goosebumps) as Bard, Maaike Laanstra-Corn (Homofermenters) as Blue, Jack DiFalco (The Ferryman) as Cade, Alden Harris-McCoy (Dear Evan Hansen) as Guitarist, Renée-Nicole Powell as Olivia, Dominic Gross as Gideon, Lark White (Covenant) as Ester, Danny Wolohan (The Welkin) as Rocky, and Amalia Yoo (No Hard Feelings) as Luna.
The play is a study of loss and adolescence, set at a Virginia summer camp.
The production features sets by Louisa Thompson, costumes by Oana Botez, lights by Isabella Byrd, sound by Bray Poor, special effects by Jeremy Chernick, and casting by Taylor Williams. Caroline Englander is the production stage manager.
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