As the star of "Kung Fu," the tall, lanky actor was at the center of Kung Fu craze that gripped the United States in the early 1970s. The series, which ran from 1972 to 1975, told of Kwai Chang Caine, a Shoalin Monk who flees to America after he kills the Chinese Emperor's nephew after seeing the man murder his teacher in cold blood. Of course, he finds plenty of trouble in the Wild West as well, and in every episode the peaceful monk is forced to deploy his fighting arts. Meanwhile, he must elude the bounty hunters who are on his trail. The show won him Emmy Award and Golden Globe Award nominations.
Read Full Obituary
The 28th Annual Tony Awards - 1974 Opened April 21, 1974 |
The Royal Hunt of the Sun Opened October 26, 1965 |
The Deputy Opened February 26, 1964 |
Arrived On May 24, 1964
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