Seeking Performers from all backgrounds for new original musical Comedy-Drama; Guilty! The Musical | Playbill


Seeking Performers from all backgrounds for new original musical Comedy-Drama; Guilty! The Musical

CATEGORY: Performer

Ketema Productions
Brooklyn, NY


Myles Carter

Job Details


Casting a staged production Guilty! the Musical, a fully original musical by Myles Carter! Rehearsals will start early-mid October with 2-3 rehearsals per week leading up to 3-4 performances in Early December. Pays a total stipend of $100.

Guilty! The Musical follows Todd Douglas, a prosecuting attorney and prodigy of the law in NYC. He’ll do and say anything to manipulate a jury and get a guilty verdict. One day he’s framed for a murder he didn’t commit and goes to prison. What will happen when Todd is forced to face his own convictions and challenge the system he’s woven himself into?

Please submit one uptempo and one midtempo in the style of the show [Pop/Rock/RnB/Jazz/Hip-Hop]. Last day for all submissions is 9/25/24 at 8:00pm EST!

*Character Raps. Please submit HipHop/Rap as one of your submissions :-)


TODD DOUGLAS: Late 20s; Black; [Bb2-G4]. NYC Prosecuting Attorney. Prodigy of the law, will do anything to get a guilty verdict, very good at manipulating a jury. Disconnected from his family due to his path as a lawyer. Still grieving the death of his father. [ALREADY CAST]


OFFICER JOE CARVER: Late 20s; Any Ethnicity; [B2-B3]. NYC Court Bailiff. Todd Douglas’ childhood best friend. Endlessly optimistic and inquisitive. Wants to be a cop, technically IS a cop, but isn’t respected by the ACTUAL cops. Wants more for himself.*


LIBERTY BROWN: Late 20s; Black; [F#3-C#5]. Hopeful yet Headstrong NYC Librarian. Loves literature and story as instilled in her by her late Mother. Wants to believe that happily ever after is real.

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MAMA DOUGLAS: Mid 60s; Black; [Bb3-Db5]. No nonsense Nurses Aide in Brooklyn. Wants the best for her children but not sure how to get it after the death of her husband. Holds grudges and is very blunt, but has so much love lost inside of her.


TRENTON DOUGLAS: 18; Black; [D3-C4]. Mama Douglas’ son. Todd’s younger brother. Senior in high school and top of his class, wants to become an attorney much to the chagrin of his family. Is constantly compared to his prodigy older brother but doesn’t mind, he knows he’ll be better. Very resourceful and crafty, quick witted and clever. *

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CLEETUS JOHNSON: Early to mid 60s; Black; [D3-A4]. Senior inmate at Rikers Island. Wise and collected presence acting as guidance for the rest of the inmates. Holds a lot of resentment inside stemming from the unjust manner in which he ended up in prison. Just wants to see his family again, but knows he won’t, so is making the best of a bad situation. *


JUDGE IRA KENNEDY: Mid-Late 60s; Any Ethnicity; [B3-B4]. Tenured judge in the New York City criminal court circuit. Old and so stuck in her ways but in a lovable way that everyone is cool with. Wise and very comforting. you introduce your eclectic Aunt to your friends from school


STACY DAVIS: Mid 20s; Any Ethnicity; NON SINGING. Young professional in NYC, after a fun night out finds herself intertwined with Officer Joe Carver. Are her virtues true? Or does she have ulterior motives?


DETECTIVE SAL ROSS: Mid-Late 30s; White; [C3-F4]. One half of the best detective duo the city has ever seen. Lover of Lasagna, spaghetti, [insert other Italian dishes here], and his partner Paulie. He LOVES Paulie… AS A PARTNER HAHA just a colleague nothing more… unless?

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FRANKIE “PLOTS”: Mid 30s; White; [D3-F4]. Former front man for a crime family turned gardener turned Rikers inmate. Was set up by his family and now is doing 10 consecutive life sentences. *


DETECTIVE PAULIE DANIELS: Mid-Late 30s; Any Ethnicity but still somehow still Italian; [Ab3-A4]. One half of the best detective duo the city has ever seen. Lover of meatballs, pizza, [insert other Italian dishes here], and his partner Sal. He LOVES Sal… sometimes even more than his wife— LIKE FAMILY HE LOVES SAL LIKE FAMILY is what I was gonna say.

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AARON “LEAN” BEEF: Mid 30s; Any Ethnicity; [D3-F4]. Lean dealer caught with illegal substances (ironic ain’t it). His lean business is not successful and his spouse is cheating on him. She gives him money though so… win-win? *


LOU SERGIO IDIO-TAYLOR: Mid 30s; Latinx; NON SINGING. NYC practicing attorney. Has had a stop and start career but still stays strong. HATES Todd Douglas. Thinks he's a hotshot that makes everyone else look stupid and dull in comparison (might be projecting a lil').

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LEE "TICK": Mid 30s; Latinx; [D3-F4]. An absolute free-loader, never pays for anything, always borrowing money he can't pay back. Got accused of stealing, ended up in prison. Thinks he's a lot harder and cooler than he is. *


RALPH: Mid 20s; Any Ethnicity; NON SINGING. Keeps to himself, VERY quiet. What is he hiding?

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BILL JUDAS: Mid 20s; Any Ethnicity; NON SINGING. Accused of attacking and robbing his ex, might be guilty but who knows. Can't speak for himself, represented by Lou Sergio.

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GERALD POINTER: Mid 30s; Any Ethnicity; NON SINGING. Accused of hitting a lick on a bodega, might be guilty but who knows. Can't speak for himself, represented by Lou Sergio.


Oct 7, 2024 - Dec 15, 2024


$100.00 – $100.00 per gig




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