Brigadoon - Issaquah, WA EPA/Singers ECC (03.31.25) | Playbill


Brigadoon - Issaquah, WA EPA/Singers ECC (03.31.25)

CATEGORY: Performer

Village Theatre
Issaquah, WA

Job Details


Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Monday, March 31, 2025

10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (P)

Lunch 2:00 PM- 3:00 PM


To schedule an audition appointment, please go to:


Special Agreement

$933.64 weekly minimum


Equity actors for roles in BRIGADOON (See breakdown).


Please prepare up to two legit/golden age short song selections no more than one verse/one chorus each. Also, bring your physical headshot and resume.


Theatre Puget Sound

305 Harrison St

Seattle, WA 98109

Seattle Center Armory/ 4th Floor.


Brandon Ivie: Director and Associate Artistic Director (Head of Casting)

Katy Tabb: Choreographer

Tim Symons: Music Director/Resident Music Supervisor

Arika Matoba: Casting/Producing Associate

Expected to attend:

Brandon Ivie: Director and Associate Artistic Director (Head of Casting)

Tim Symons: Music Director/Resident Music Supervisor

Arika Matoba: Casting/Producing Associate


First Rehearsal: August 12, 2025

Tech: September 5, 2025

First preview: September 16, 2025

Opening: September 19, 2025

Everett tech: October 24, 2025

Everett opening: October 25, 2025

Everett closing: November 16, 2025

Possible Everett extension: November 23, 2025


Pursuant to the terms of a concession made to this employer's agreement, the employer has agreed that any Equity member who attends this audition will have an opportunity to be seen.

An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.




Tommy Albright -- Male, late 30s/early 40s, legit baritone, romantic lead, American, unhappy in his engagement, whose cynicism does not fully negate his potential for optimism and hope

Fiona MacLaren -- This role is CAST. Female, mid-late 30s, legit soprano, romantic lead, while intelligent and frank, she is also a dreamer who does not compromise what she wants

Jeff Douglas -- Male, late 30s/early 40s, non-singing, American, good natured and sarcastic with a wry wit, uses alcohol to numb his pain, strong comedic skills

Meg Brockie -- Female, late 20s-30s, strong mezzo belt who dances, a high-spirited and feisty dairy seller who is so friendly she is intimidating to the men in town, strong comedic skills, Meg dances in this adaptation

Charlie Dalrymple -- Male, 20s, strong legit tenor who dances, an optimistic head-over-heels-in-love young man, Charlie dances in this adaptation

Jean MacLaren -- Female, 20s, alto/mezzo, strong ballet dancer, shy and madly in love, she is in deep anticipation of how her life will change after marriage, featured dancer

Harry Beaton -- Male, 20s, baritone, strong athletic ballet dancer, a dark soul but not a villain, trapped in Brigadoon and tortured by his unrequited love, featured dancer

Andrew MacLaren -- Male, 50s-60s, baritone, a hearty soul if a bit pompous, one of the leaders of the town

Mistress Lundie/Mrs. Beaton -- Female, 50s-60s, mezzo, plays Harry's mother as well as Mistress Lundie, a quaint yet stately school master and the keeper of the legend of Brigadoon, with strong storytelling skills

Maggie Anderson -- Female, 20s, alto/mezzo, strong ballet soloist with emotional gravitas, a kind soul who is smitten with Harry Beaton, featured dancer

Ensemble -- Any gender, 20s-30s, all voice types, strong dancers who play market sellers, sword dancers, and townsfolk. Specifically seeking male-identifying dancers with strong technique and athletic style


Special Agreement $933.64 weekly minimum




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