It is noon. I know not where I am, but I remember a robbery, perhaps even a murder. Cloris Leachman was there. Let’s start this two-show day!
Alex Wyse
I go for a morning jog. Still no signs of my missing cousin.
Alex Wyse
I take a luxurious shower.
Alex Wyse
Today is a special day because the Triassic Parq cast album has been released. Here I am listening to it!
Alex Wyse
I eat a hearty breakfast, which makes it to Playbill.com! Hi, Playbill!
Alex Wyse
I arrive at the theater. I sit between Casey Garvin and Taylor Trensch. We’re like The First Wives Club (but not as gay). Can you guess who’s who?
Alex Wyse
Here are the boys of Bare (subject to availability).
Alex Wyse
When I’m finally dressed (after a long, arduous battle), Gerard Canonico carries me to places.
Alex Wyse
Before we enter, we put our hands in and say things like “Stage Right, Speed of Light!”
Alex Wyse
We make a lot of quick changes during the show. And Sara Kapner is always watching.
Alex Wyse
Intermission. We play dressing room games. It’s good to laugh.
Alex Wyse
Act Two, we have to take our phones on stage. And my phone accidentally snapped this picture. Imagine really dramatic things happening around me.
Alex Wyse
First show is finished! But Justin Gregory Lopez is just getting started.
Alex Wyse
I meet up for dinner with my friend Preston Sadleir. He is angry that they’re out of Crab Rangoon. I’m angry that Viola Davis lost the Oscar.
Alex Wyse
Then Preston comes back to the theater so we can practice our handstands. I last longer, and Preston dissolves in a puddle of his own defeat.
Alex Wyse
Today, our writer Jon Hartmere is throwing the cast and crew an ice cream social! I came for the ice cream and stayed for the social.
Alex Wyse
I go shopping. But before I can buy that sweet little leopard number, I receive an urgent phone call…
Alex Wyse
Adam Chandler-Berat has gone into labor! I arrive at his dressing room just in time to deliver the baby.
Alex Wyse
Then I color.
Alex Wyse
Then Adam and I play in his drapes.
Alex Wyse
Which proves to be quite emotional for me.
Alex Wyse
I come back to the theater, and Alice Lee has a note session for me. Our note sessions last between twenty and forty minutes before each show.
Alex Wyse
I put the finishing touches on my devastating lips (thank you, Missi Pyle), and…
Alex Wyse
Alex Wyse
During the show, I have some downtime.
Alex Wyse
We stay hydrated, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have fun.
Alex Wyse
They make me climb ladders.
Alex Wyse
This is what Taylor looks like after the show.
Alex Wyse
This is what Casey looks like after the show.
Alex Wyse
This is what I look like after the show.
Alex Wyse
I meet up with my friend Will Blum. We work on our juice cleanses.
Alex Wyse
I put on a hat, because how else are people going to know that I just did two shows?
Alex Wyse
And I fall asleep, dreaming my anxious Cloris Leachman dreams.
Alex Wyse