Marcus Stevens and Scott Richard Foster
Carol Rosegg
David Caldwell
Carol Rosegg
Marcus Stevens
Carol Rosegg
Scott Richard Foster (kneeling), Carter Calvert (left), Erica Dorfler (center) and Marcus Stevens
Carol Rosegg
Scott Richard Foster, Marcus Stevens, Erica Dorfler and Carter Calvert
Carol Rosegg
Erica Dorfler and Carter Calvert
Carol Rosegg
Carter Calvert and Erica Dorfler
Carol Rosegg
Erica Dorfler (laying down), Scott Richard Foster (kneeling), Marcus Stevens (standing) and Carter Calvert
Carol Rosegg
Carter Calvert, Marcus Stevens and Erica Dorfler
Carol Rosegg
Erica Dorfler
Carol Rosegg
Erica Dorfler and Carter Calvert
Carol Rosegg