My son Griff helps me pack my stuff for the theater.
Gareth Saxe
Then gives me a couple of notes to work on through out the day…
Gareth Saxe
Then the commute begins...
Gareth Saxe
Always fueled by at least 32 oz. of high octane coffee…
Gareth Saxe
And then we wait...
Gareth Saxe
and wait...
Gareth Saxe
The MTA always puts me in the perfect frame of mind to play a homicidal lion...
Gareth Saxe
What's a dressing room without great art...
Gareth Saxe
More coffee before make up...
Gareth Saxe
Now 45 minutes of good conversation and makeup...
Gareth Saxe
Also a time for deep thoughts like "Have I had enough Coffee?"
Gareth Saxe
The powdered doughnut stage of makeup… almost ready!
Gareth Saxe
Faccia brutta? Faccia Bello? A face only a mother could love…who was Scar's mother?
Gareth Saxe
Another crucial element of preparation, cookies made by our fantastic dresser Ms. DiStasi.
Gareth Saxe
Oh yes and still yet more coffee...
Gareth Saxe
Griff doing some PT and notes with me between shows.
Griff:"You have to roll out your IT bands dad! I just think you can go farther dad, I mean THINK, It's like Prince Charles... always a Prince, never King..."
Griff:"You have to roll out your IT bands dad! I just think you can go farther dad, I mean THINK, It's like Prince Charles... always a Prince, never King..."
Gareth Saxe
Griff and I do some animal exercises between shows...
Gareth Saxe
Looking/feeling sufficiently malevolent so ready ...or not...
Gareth Saxe
Time to take over the Kingdom!
Gareth Saxe
Lurking in the shadows...a moment of repose before "Scar tricks Simba"
Gareth Saxe
And we're done!. I'll have to take over the Pridelands tomorrow... now home to rest my aching bones.
Gareth Saxe