The alarm went off at 9:30am.... I rolled out of bed at 10am! Woof.
Carly Hughes
My best friend Megan got me this record player and I literally play it everyday!
Carly Hughes
Love me some Nancy Wilson. This seemed appropriate :) First song: "A Lot of Livin' To Do"
Carly Hughes
I don't do coffee, but I do start the day with a cup of hot water, honey and 2 Emergen-C! ;)
Carly Hughes
Now to relax and email on my comfy couch! I'm obsessed with my apartment :)
Carly Hughes
And yes... that's a mug from my previous show Beautiful... Boop!
Carly Hughes
Starting the day right! Did I say I'm obsessed with my apartment?? Peep that entertainment center! (thanks PJ Mehaffey).
Carly Hughes
I'm new to Twitter ( @CarlyHughes101 ) but I catch on quick! ;-P
Carly Hughes
If you know me, you know I wear heels everyday- Duh. These cuties are for you, Playbill! (And yes, I use Cottonelle Ultra Soft. Boom)
Carly Hughes
When you live alone you get the obligatory selfie!
Carly Hughes
Saturday trip to the spots office
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These machines are your BEST FRIEND!!
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Home for the day!!
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Don't forget to sign in!!! I say this to myself out loud sometimes...
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I get a fancy name card!!
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Look at this cutie I met in the stairwell, Mr. Andrew Fitch
Carly Hughes
Well hello, and welcome to my home! Obsessed with it! Look up (@PJMehaffeyYall )
Carly Hughes
Brunch of champions! Or probably just of Leading Players... Ha!
Carly Hughes
This is what was under that hat!
Carly Hughes
Gotta get this head together
Carly Hughes
A little hype music to get the day started
Carly Hughes
Now you know mama has very little hair! So no pin curls for me, just a sensible pattern of cross pins at the top. Does the trick!
Carly Hughes
There's always a big bottle of water & a mug of hot water & honey in the dressing room
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a little Colin Cunliffe on the way to my training!
Carly Hughes
Before every show, I run through my trapeze routine with my coach. Gotta keep it safe and pretty! :)
Carly Hughes
Making sure I'm in the right position...
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Got it!
Carly Hughes
An hour before Every show, all the acrobats are called to run trough routines and tricks.
Carly Hughes
Piece of cake!?! And yes, those are his actual abs.
Carly Hughes
Kyle and I at 10min!! Mess! Clearly we've got some magic to finish doing! Lol
Carly Hughes
Back to dressing room to finish getting ready and my roomie has arrived!!
Carly Hughes
His name is Barnum. He has a cameo. And we take naps together.
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Final touches
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Finishing up the LP!
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Barnum at places...
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Kristen Beth on for Catherine this matinee! So cute!
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We've Got Magic to Do!
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Carly Hughes
This is the man responsible for keeping me in the air!! Thank you!!
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A little stage left action
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Carly Hughes
Some matinee Manson Trio
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Carly Hughes
Breathing after "Glory"
Carly Hughes
It gets hot backstage!!
Carly Hughes
John Dossett!
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Costumes, ready to go!!
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I get to do some tricks!!
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Kyle, between songs- really???
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Me, between songs... You're welcome.
Carly Hughes
Know why my job is cool? Cause I get to ride a cage!! Ha!
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Intermission snuggles!!
Carly Hughes
Time for some between show TLC from my PT! That's right, heels to physical therapy.
Carly Hughes
Thanks for working out my shoulders!!
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A between show meal (that Barnum thinks is for him)
Carly Hughes
And a little relaxation in this masterpiece! You Guys- my friend PJ designed this room for me and I AM IN LOVE!! Do yourself a favor...
Carly Hughes
Time for round 2!! Let's get this party started!
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Water bottle filled, hot water & honey- check! Gotta make good use of all these show mugs!! ;-P
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Staying connected at intermission #2
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Barnum.... At places. The lush life.
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Just hanging about.
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I am so lucky I get to work with these people!!
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I know right!?!? Yes, he's a real person. Orion Griffiths is a bad a&$!!
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My girls:)
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Much better!! Thanks Midge!!
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My understudy Ari... We love each other Soy Much! No really, we do. :-D Love you lady!!
Carly Hughes
I spy with my little eye, an acrobat hanging from the sky! No big deal, Lauren can do this in her sleep!! Amazing.
Carly Hughes
A pit stop at my local spot for my after show dinner!
Carly Hughes
Home Sweet Home! Did I tell you already how much I love my apartment?? Except the 5 story walk up part :-/ woof.
Carly Hughes
Finally back on my comfy couch, with a Chicken Chimi Sandwich & Yuka Fries!! Delish. Also, peep the Yogi Toes!! Gotta keep these dancing feet stretched and pretty!! Lol
Carly Hughes
Now, I'm a Trader Joe's girl all the way!!! But mama is tired and am trying something new... Eek! Wish me luck!
Carly Hughes
Peace Out Playbill! I had fun with you today! Kisses!!
Carly Hughes