Apparently I take pictures of myself in my sleep. Who knew?
Derrick Baskin
Woke Up. Tested the voice. It's there, so I won't call out of this two-show day.
Derrick Baskin
What to eat...hmmm....
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Drinking tea and watching a morning program that I will not mention. "You are NOT the father? What?!"
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Leaving the house. "Oh, yeah! Snow from the sixth biggest blizzard to hit New York City is still on the ground."
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I hope they don't have a matinee. They're not going to make it.
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They're definitely NOT making the matinee!
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I have good train Karma or "Train-ma!" Barely waited two minutes! Ha!
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Coming up on the theatre.
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Did I mention Memphis won Best Musical? Well, it did.
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Whew, just made it for half-hour call.
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Janet Takami and Alexis Shorter having a convo about who's gonna call the show.
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Pre-show meal consisting of sushi, Japanese BBQ chips and donut holes. Don't judge.
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Leon the doorman wishing me "break-a-leg" before the show.
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Arturo Porazzi, our production stage manager, actually called the first show.
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Clayton Craddock on drums. The heartbeat of Memphis.
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Tyrone Jackon... NOT praying in the prayer circle. Hail Mary....
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One of us is NOT a dancer. Stretching with Preston Dugger right before a huge dance number.
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I decided to let the real dancers dance, while I hang with Ty Lackey and Randy Morrison in the sound department.
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Drilling some sense into our prop-master Noah Pilipski's head.
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Randy blowing what little sweat has accumulated in my mic.
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Me calling "places" for Act 2.
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Joe DiPietro stopped by to wish us a happy 500th show.
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Cass Morgan and me getting ready to end the first show.
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Bahiya Gaines stretching before the second show.
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Every day, Jim — star dresser — has to endure Chad Kimball warming up. God Bless you, Jim.
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Rhett George getting some beauty rest between shows. Sleep on, brotha.
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Producer Randy Adams checking in on the second show.
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One of the heads of the production department, Hank Hale, schooling me on how it's done.
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In the candy corner: Dionne Figgins, Tyrone Jackson, Preston Dugger.
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Bahiya's done warming up, and J. Bernard Calloway is ready to open the show.
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Bryan Langlitz, put some clothes on! Places was already called!! Geez!
Derrick Baskin
Me and Jen Allen killing the vocals backstage.
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Sing choir!! Sang!! Me with Tanya Birl, Todrick Hall and Bahiya Gaines.
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Shelton Becton on organ! John Putnam on guitar! George Farmer on bass! Sick!!!!
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Franc Weinperl getting me ready to end the second show!
Derrick Baskin
Day's over. Gettin' some love from a couple of audience members. They really liked the show!!! :-)
Derrick Baskin