Starting the show right by sharing a Coke with my sweet soulmate AND BFF, Seth Womack (Ensemble).
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PASS THE SUGAR, SUGAR! Jonathan Bragg (Ensemble) finds another sugary alternative through donuts brought by Ed Watts (Javert).
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Laura Lites (Ensemble) finds inspiration in her dressing room at half hour.
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After a safe and sweaty fight call, Kyle Anderson (Ensemble) comes downstairs to air out and to share his sweet smile!
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The boys line up for the prologue. We gonna do a show!
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Calm before the storm. This hallway sees over 30+ changes throughout the show. That's a lot of sweaty barricade boys.
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Nicole Alvarez pins in my mic and talks to me about her pet chicken and vegan diners. I love Dallas, Texas!
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Morgan Mabry Mason (Ensemble) does eyebrow voodoo on my face and makes me a beautiful....
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BOY!!! Backstory is that my mom is sick so I dress up in her clothes and work at the factory in her place, hoping to make ends meet. Oh the miserableness of it all...
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Seth Womack (Ensemble) shines as the lead in Kiss of the Spider Woman! Wait...that's not right.
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Macklemore must be at the thrift shop....he left his clothes at Thenardier's Inn.
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Laura Lites strikes a sultry pose after Lovely Ladies. (Notice the inspiration has been a constant on the wall)
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Daniel Duque-Estrada (Montparnasse/Ensemble) can also be seen in MTV's hit series "Teen Wolf" :)
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Christie Vela (Ensemble) plays Nanny for Young Cosette. Under those smiles, she is secretly whispering how she always knew I was going to grow up to be a bad kid....
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Belle wandered in from her poor, provincial town! Silly girl, this is the wrong part of France for you! Here she is with the Beast's child, I hope they name it Cosette!!!
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Hassan El-Amin as Brujon. Famous catch phrases include "I need my money not now....but RIGHT NOW." Here he is with Brandon Nase (Ensemble) who could possibly be Brujon's son...Brujon doesn't really keep with that kind of stuff.
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Elizabeth Judd (Eponine) and Brandon Nase (Ensemble) are CORN ROW SIBLINGS!!!
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Intermission with Conductor Boy Wonder, Sinai Tabak. As he rests his weary hands and back, I'll make him take selfies with me.
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Rebecca Holt dresses and manages one of our 40+ wigs. WHAT A HAIRY SITUATION!
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I promise we are nice to each other here.
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She dead. Traci Lee (Ensemble) practices her sniper death at the barricade.
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#HipsterCosette drinks warm organic tea, steeped MINIMUM three times, with honey and lemon. Daddy's the mayor, why shouldn't I have the best?
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Cast collection of magazines. We collectively know more about the Kardashians than anyone should.
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Seth Womack, Christia Mantzke (Mme. Thenardier) and Lillian De Leon (Ensemble) indulge during intermission and get to know the drama behind J Wow's new baby!
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While Ed Watts (Javert) prefers USA Today. Notice it's the money section and not the comics...hey, the Inspector's gotta be on top of stocks.
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#HipsterCosette has been recently reading "The Water-Witch" but previous include Greek literature, "On the Origins of Species", and generally anything about astrophysics.
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Mark Hancock (Gavroche), Libby Roy (Young Eponine), Salma Salinas (Young Cosette) and #HipsterCosette rock out to "We Built This City" complete with 4-part harmony.
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Gotta keep your red beret clean! We are preparing to go to the barricade.
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Kyle Anderson (Joly) has his war paint on and is ready to go!
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Kyle Anderson's amazing custom made shirt says "Fight the Power" in Russian. Stealthy photo-bomb by Hassan El-Amin.
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Some of the signs made for "One Day More"!
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I get that we have to move to Calais or whatever. But like, polka-dots? I'm not six anymore. Dad is SO embarrassing.
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John Campione (Enjorlas) and I CAUGHT in a lover's embrace! Sorry Marius. I know I only met Enjorlas once...but who can stop love?!
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Empty chairs at empty tables. Set design by John Coyne and lighting by Colin Bills work hand in hand to create theatrical magic.
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My favorite moment in the show. In between the curtains before the Epilogue, I can see Nehal Joshi (Val Jean) work through the pain before death. It begins the bittersweet ending of Les Miserables.
Dorcas Leung
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