Great fun at the Opening of Groundhog Day on Broadway.
Feeling the love. An early shot of gifts. Did not realize there was more on its way.
Flowers from my church.
The men of GHD.
A couple of notes before opening night begins.
A gift from the directing team to the cast.
Gypsy Robe ceremony.
Joseph Medieros gets the gypsy robe for his 9th show and his 2nd gypsy robe. We have 2 other gypsy robe recipients in the show Williams Parry and Andrew Call.
Joe Medeiros and the robe.
All of us with Joe Medeiros.
Getting the face ready.
Awaiting the start of the show with Lacie Bonanni, my amazing and super georgeous dresser.
The beautiful Natalie Errthum, Assistant hair supervisor and my go to for wigs!
Having fun at intermission with my amazing cast mate, Katy Geraghty.
Arriving at the Opening night party with the Groundhog Day clock at my feet.
Ready to enter Gotham Hall to enjoy the festivities.
Great fun at the Opening of Groundhog Day on Broadway.
Rebecca Faulkenberry chatting up the press.
The interview: with one of the hottest chorus girls on Broadway, Taylor Iman Jones.
The girls and I taking on the press. Rebecca Faulkenberry, Tari Kelly, myself, and Taylor Iman Jones.