Chelsea Morgan Stock (Liesl), Gracie Beardsley (Marta), Elena Shaddow (Maria), Hunter A. Kovacs (Kurt), Sean McManus (Friedrich), Greta Clark (Gretl), Maya Fortgang (Brigitta) and Amanda Harris (Louisa)
Elena Shaddow and the von Trapp Children
Chelsea Morgan Stock (Liesl), Gracie Beardsley (Marta), Elena Shaddow (Maria), Hunter A. Kovacs (Kurt), Sean McManus (Friedrich), Greta Clark (Gretl), Maya Fortgang (Brigitta) and Amanda Harris (Louisa)
T. Charles Erickson
Sean McManus, Jonathan Charette, Amanda Harris, Hunter A. Kovacs, Chelsea Morgan Stock, Gracie Beardsley, Maya Fortgang, Greta Clark and Anna McCarthy
Greta Clark, Gracie Beardsley, Maya Fortgang, Hunter A. Kovacs, Amanda Harris, Sean McManus, Chelsea Morgan Stock and Elena Shaddow
Beauty and Brains, the ladies rule Tait College Conservatory (Chelsea Morgan Stock and Beth Glover)
Never underestimate an agent's power. Well done (Beth Glover and Chelsea Morgan Stock)
Chelsea Morgan Stock is a real knockout offstage too. Here she leads a workout with Ross Lekites and Jessi Trauth.
Chelsea Stock
Alison Cimmet, Chelsea Morgan Stock and Zachary Prince
Marisha Wallace, Beth Johnson Nicely, Chelsea Morgan Stock and Courtney Iventosch
Chelsea Morgan Stock is a real knockout offstage too. Here she leads a workout with Ross Lekites and Jessi Trauth.
Chelsea Morgan Stock and Drew Seeley
Chelsea Morgan Stock and Drew Seeley
Drew Seeley
Chelsea Morgan Stock
Drew Seeley
Chelsea Morgan Stock and Drew Seeley
Chelsea Morgan Stock and Drew Seeley
Drew Seeley
Chelsea Morgan Stock
Drew Seeley
Marisha Wallace, Beth Johnson Nicely, Chelsea Morgan Stock and Courtney Iventosch
Chelsea Stock
Chelsea Morgan Stock and Drew Seeley
Drew Seeley
Chelsea Morgan Stock
Drew Seeley
Chelsea Morgan Stock and Drew Seeley
Joan Marcus
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