Morning Playbill! I woke up like this. Confession: I will never be a morning person. Not gonna happen. No joke, I think it's one of the reasons why fifteen-year-old me decided to become a professional actor.
Matt Harrington
A little eucalyptus in the shower helps though. Alison Luff's recommendation. Game changer.
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Shaving, grandpa style.
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Like a baby's bottom.
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And we're off. Park Slope flora.
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Commuter Crossword. I'll be consulting on answers with my dresser Jess later.
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Stopping by my agent's office for a quick voice-over audition. Floors 1-17 were removed due to budget cuts.
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An actor prepares. An orchid looks on.
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My agents have active doorways. This comforts me.
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Keegan on the ones and twos. Always a pleasure to see this guy.
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Back in the subway. Okay, okay, I know there's a cliche about actors and free food but this is where I draw the line. Wait... is it still warm?
Matt Harrington
Passing by the load-out of The Audience. So glad the Brits are finally starting to dip their toes into this whole theater thing. I wish them the best.
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Arrived. In addition to manning the Shubert stage door, Leon also runs a bike shop during the summer. All of his bike sales come with lifetime upkeep and repairs. He's had many satisfied customers among the cast and crew.
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Call board shout out.
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Scheming Swings. MJ and Amanda are up to no good.
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Pre-matinee vegan veggie bowl.
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Ali is so ready.
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Music time. My current obsession, Beatenberg. Thanks Devon for the rec.
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And the journey to Wormwood begins...
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Matt Harrington
Matt Harrington
Business casual.
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Five rings to rule them all.
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Collar points. Why did these ever go out of style?
Matt Harrington
Izzy popped in during her pre-show wig rounds to tell me about this dream she'd had about me getting all up in her face and relentlessly taking pictures of her until finally she punched me. So naturally I started relentlessly taking pictures of her. She didn't hit me. Not this time anyway.
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For those of you who've been wondering where Miss Honey keeps her mic transmitters (NSFW).
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Trying to remove Ali's service panel. Apparently they lock it down at half-hour.
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"Two show what? Playbill dot who?" My main man Dan makes sure my mic is pointed in the right direction.
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Just look at these handsome devils. Just look at them.
Matt Harrington
Matinee's begun and I've already managed to hurt myself. Jammed my thumb into my leg while attempting to destroy Matilda's book. Or she pulled some telekinesis on me. Never know with Matilda.
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Josh and Lauralyn cooking up a plan
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Tiffany with the touch-up. I need to start incorporating the wig-cap look into my personal life.
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I like to swing by Heather and Jen's room for a little intermission moonshine. Heather is not amused.
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I would describe the vibe in Heather and Jen's room as Pagan Witchcraft Hoarder Portlandia Chic.
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Jen dusting her porcelain pigeon. Totally not weird.
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Not many people know this, but I offer personal training sessions in my dressing room when I'm not onstage. Here I am helping our stage manager Andrew get into peak wedding shape
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Agatha's in the market for a new frock.
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One of our kick-ass guardians, Alissa. Her mom brings these cookies in from Baltimore. Thank god they're only available in Baltimore or I'd have a serious problem. Snagged the last one today. Thanks Alissa!
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Matinee done. Spent my dinner break catching up with superstar hair dresser and momma-to-be Jenna Barrios. Made my day.
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Mandatory caffeine.
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Back at the call board to sign in for the second show. Things are getting ugly. I'm staying out of this one.
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Tons of pre-show checks.
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While Master Electrician Jonathan looks on.
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Pop-up poker game on the fire escape.
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Lesli's evening performance will be brought to you by Starbucks, Candy Crush, and the color pink.
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Back on the deck getting ready for number two. Sean and Geoff refuse to believe that I'm doing a Two Show Day feature (I'll take that apology whenever Sean).
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Man of Steele.
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Kicking back with tonight's leading lady, Fina. Love this kid.
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Clear Eyes Full Hearts Gotta Be Loud.
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Oh hey there Scott. I think Wormwood Moturs is going to be a great Q3 rebound stock
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Andrew at the helm (note the biceps).
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Tried to take a nice candid of Karen and John but John wasn't having it. He's had paparazzi issues in the past so I understand.
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Wigs wigs wigs wigs wigs wigs wigs. Lots of wigs. I did the math: forty wig changes a week.
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Core club in Jonathan's office. We try to do ab work once a show. We sometimes succeed. We usually just end up talking about our weekends.
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Child wrangler extraordinaire Krystal discussing her love of Russian literature and mascara.
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"Places for Telly and the top of Act Two."
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The Wormwood men are ready!
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Heaviest. Prop. On. Broadway.
Matt Harrington
Some gremlins got their hands on my phone. Unattended phones are never safe at the Shubert.
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Two shows down! It's been an exhausting day but seeing these awesome faces at the stage door is always the best.
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Then it's back up to the dressing room for a little post-show beverage with Ali, Lauralyn, and Jen.
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I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch.
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Rose holds the keys to the castle. Guess it's last call.
Matt Harrington
Back in BK. Thanks for joining me Playbill. I had a really great time with you. You're lovely. We should do it again sometime. If you're interested. And free. No pressure. Tell you what, look me up on Instagram. I'm @mattoverthere
Matt Harrington