Stars in the House, the daily live streamed concert series created by Playbill correspondent and SiriusXM Broadway host Seth Rudetsky and producer James Wesley, presents a reading of Mora Harris' Space Girl—featuring Anika Braganza, Lilla Crawford (Annie), Zoe Donovan, Ashley Figueroa, Micah Lawrence, Storm Lever (Summer), and Casey Likes—May 31 at 2 PM. Watch the live stream above.
The reading is the latest in the new Plays in the House Jr./Teen Edition series, executive produced by Wesley and Rudetsky with artistic direction by Tony nominee Anika Larsen. The series of readings of plays for and performed by young people streams Sundays at 2 PM, hosted by Juli Rudetsky Wesley followed by a Q&A with the playwright. Each week raises money to benefit a different organization across the country that brings theatre to underserved youth. The May 31 reading benefits Only Make Believe. The reading will only be available for a limited time following the live stream.
Stars in the House promotes support for The Actors Fund and its services in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Wesley and Rudetsky are recipients of honorary Drama Desk Awards this year, recognizing their efforts to aid the theatre community.
New shows air daily at 2 PM and 8 PM ET, featuring performances by stars of stage and screen, in conversation and song with Rudetsky and Wesley. Streaming direction is by Peter Flynn. Click here to watch previous Stars in the House presentations.
READ: How to Help Unemployed Theatre Industry Professionals During the Coronavirus Shutdown
There is no stream May 31 at 8 PM.
As the situation surrounding the coronavirus outbreak continues to evolve, The Actors Fund will provide services online and via phone. These services include Artists Health Insurance Resource Center, The Career Center, Housing Resources, Addiction & Recovery, HIV/AIDS and Senior Services, Counseling and Emergency Financial Assistance, as well as The Friedman Health Center for the Performing Arts in New York City.
To make a tax-deductible donation to The Actors Fund visit