Cast Set for Reading of The Doctor's Dilemma | Playbill

Readings and Workshops Cast Set for Reading of The Doctor's Dilemma

David Staller will direct the George Bernard Shaw classic for the Project Shaw series.

George Dvorsky Tricia Baron

Gingold Theatrical Group's 20th season of Project Shaw, which presents script-in-hand readings of the work of George Bernard Shaw and his contemporaries, returns to The Players Club March 17 with Shaw's The Doctor's Dilemma.

Under the direction of GTG Artistic Director David Staller, the cast will feature Nadia Brown (The Devil’s Disciple), Robert Cuccioli (Welcome to the Big Dipper), Judy Gold (Yes, I Can Say That!), Stefania Gonzalez (Pericles), David Lee Huynh (Henry VI), Simon Jones (Trouble in Mind), George Dvorsky (The Connector), Rocco Sisto (Bad News! i was there...), James Rana (The Government Inspector), and Nick Wyman (Help).

“This is one of Shaw’s mystery plays,” states director Staller, “with as many questions left unanswered as answered, and Shaw breezes us though so many weighty topics we can hardly keep track. One of the most potent themes remains as relevant today as then: are treatments to be so scarce or costly that only the wealthy can afford them? And who gets to decide? But the play is populated with some the most extravagantly comedic characters ever created for the stage and, with this cast, we can’t wait to share it with our audience.”

The season will continue with the Noël Coward comedy Hay Fever April 14, Shaw’s Saint Joan May 12, and Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest, celebrating New York Pride Week, June 23.

Gingold Theatrical Group's Project Shaw made history in December 2009 as the first company ever to present performances of every one of Shaw's 65 plays (including full-length works, one-acts, and sketches).


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