The program, featuring six premiere one-act plays over two separate evenings, continues through Aug. 29.
Here is the line-up at a glance:
10K written and directed by LaBute
A suburban mystery about a man and woman who meet on a wooded path while jogging.
The Sentinels by Matthew Lopez, directed by Stephen Brackett
Three women get together for their yearly catch-up at a downtown coffee shop and recall a September morning many years before.
Glenburn 12 WP by Vickie Ramirez, directed by Kel Haney
Inconvenient truths flow between a Native American woman and a black man inside a bar. Set against the backdrop of "die-in" protests at New York's Grand Central Station.
Built written and directed by Robert O'Hara
Two people meet in an empty space and when a transaction is made, the truth emerges.
Love Letters to a Dictator by Stella Fawn Ragsdale, directed by Logan Vaughn
New York City writer Stella misses her family and has many concerns. Looking for answers, she writes to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-II for advice. He writes back.
Unstuck by Lucy Thurber, directed by Laura Savia
A play about Pete, who's expected to solve everybody's problems but his own.
To purchase tickets or for more information call (212) 279-4200 or go to 59e59.