Westcliffe Center for the Performing Arts
Westcliffe, CO
Beverly Allen
Call for summer interns 2025
The Westcliffe Center for the Performing Arts regularly provides summer internships for qualified drama students at its facility at the Jones Theater in Westcliffe, Colorado. Many former interns have said that it was the best summer experience they have ever had learning about the theater. Westcliffe is a picturesque small town in Southern Colorado at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
The interns participate in every facet of theater work. In addition, they work with local children for a two-week-long session of our summer Creativity Camp, now in its fourteenthyear. The Creativity Camps consist of theater training for children 7-12 in improvisation, theater games, storytelling, makeup, and costume. At the end of the two-week session, the children will present a play, which they have developed with the help of the interns.
Interns also will be involved in one stage production of: Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. They will have roles in acting or in technical production work such as lighting, set design, building and set decoration. There is a possibility of also being involved in a second smaller production to run in conjunction with the main production.
The internships run nine weeks from May 10 through July 12-complete schedule to be determined. Internships are limited to three students. The theater provides excellent housing in its new building, Studio 2, which has a modern, furnished four-bedroom student apartment. We also pay a weekly living allowance. We do not reimburse travel expenses.
Questions about applications for these internships should be made to Christiane K. Relph, Executive Director, WCPA/Jones Theater by email [email protected] or by mail to Po Box 790, Westcliffe, CO 81252. Applicants should include a photo, résumé with relevant theater experience, and audition video emailed. Faculty recommendations are appreciated.
All applicants must be fully vaccinated and boosted for covid19 and agree to follow all covid restrictions in place at WCPA
Applications must be received no later them April 5.
May 10, 2025 - Jul 12, 2025
$175.00 – $175.00 per week
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