Peterborough Players Inc.
Peterborough, NH
Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM (E)
Lunch 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
To schedule an audition appointment time,
please email:
[email protected] . Please indicate if you are planning to sing.
$776 weekly minimum (Cat. zz)
Equity actors for roles in Peterborough Players' 2025 Season (See breakdown). The Peterborough Players encourages actors of all ethnicities to audition for all productions. We intend to engage a diverse company for the 2025 Season.
Please note: Most actors will be cast in 2 or 3shows. Contracts are either 6 or 8 weeks depending on track.
Either prepare 2 monologues or 1 monologue and 16-bars of a song. 2 minutes total. Please bring your music in the correct key, and with cuts marked. Accompanist will not transpose. The accompanist will only be attending the morning session from 10am - 12pm.
Peterborough Players
55 Hadley Rd.
Peterborough, NH 03458-0118
Waiting room in Main Lobby. Audition in Rehearsal Hall
Laura Kepley, Director - DIAL M FOR
MURDER (Hatcher)
Jen Wineman, Director/Choreographer - 25TH
Melissa Crespo, Director - NATIVE GARDENS
Expected to attend:
Brendon Fox, Artistic Director (Director -
See breakdown for production specific dates.
An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination.
Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of
inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities,
and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
Peterborough Players 2025 Season
AUTHOR: Marc Camoletti, translated Beverley Cross and Francis Evans
DIRECTOR: Brendon Fox
1st Rehearsal: June 3rd, 2025
Open: June 18th, 2025
Closes: June 29th, 2025
NOTE: All roles require impeccable timing, strong physicality and stamina. Bethe will require French dialect, Gabriella will require Italian dialect, Gretchen will require German dialect.
Bernard: 20s – 40s. Male-identifying. An American single architect bachelor who resides in Paris. He
is charming and attractive, initially confident but quickly becomes overwhelmed by the chaos
surrounding him. Open Ethnicity.
Robert: 20s – 40s. Male-identifying. A Midwestern friend of Bernard’s. Shy, sweet, and anxious, he
ends up with Berthe keeping all the women apart while developing a real, grounded connection with
each of them. Open Ethnicity.
Berthe: 40s – 60s. Female-identifying. Bernard’s French housekeeper. Sharp, overworked and not
shy about sharing her sardonic, witty opinions. This character has a French dialect.
Gloria: 20s – 40s. Female-identifying. Bernard’s American fiancée and TWA air hostess. Playfully
cunning, confident, strong-willed, and not afraid to speak her mind. Politically progressive for the
Gabriella: 20s – 40s. Female-identifying. Bernard's Italian fiancée and air hostess for Alitalia. Feisty,
smart and much more independent than she initially appears. Has the temperament of a character out of a Fellini film diva. This character has an Italian dialect.
Gretchen: 20s – 40s. Female-identifying. Bernard's German fiancée and air hostess for Lufthansa.
Dominating but loving, she is full of intense passion that can switch between soft and sweet to loud
and destructive in a moment. This character has a German dialect.
AUTHOR: Jeffrey Hatcher
DIRECTOR: Laura Kepley
1st Rehearsal: June 19th, 2025
Open: July 2nd, 2025
Closes: July 13th, 2025
NOTE: All actors except Maxine need to have British dialect.
Margot Wendice: 30s - 40s. Female-identifying. English. A wealthy, polished, naïve, society lady
hiding from her true self. Trapped in an unfulfilling marriage that she entered in an attempt to repres
her real passions and to live as was expected in the 1950s. She is on a coming out journey of epic
proportions. Open Ethnicity.
Maxine Hadley: 30s - 40s. Female-identifying. American. A murder mystery writer. Fiercely intelligent, tenacious, and perceptive. Bold, worldly, obsessed with details. Stylish and direct. Deeply in love with Margot. Open Ethnicity.
Tony Wendice: 30s - 40s. Male-identifying. English. Handsome, clever, and incredibly charming.
Failed writer now Head of PR for a publishing company. Long term planner and fast thinker. Has a
large ego that has been dealt a fierce blow. Intent on revenge. Open Ethnicity.
Lesgate: 30s - 40s. Male-identifying. English. An old school mate of Tony’s with ongoing money
troubles. Fancies himself a ladies’ man. Duplicitous, desperate, always looking for the easy way out.
Con man with limited skills whose time is running out. Open Ethnicity.
Inspector Hubbard: 40s - 50s. Male-identifying. English. A police inspector. Been on the job a long
time. By the book. Has his routine down. Dedicated his life to truth and justice. Believes he is serving
faithfully. Open Ethnicity.
AUTHOR: William Finn (music and lyrics), Rachel Sheinkin (book)
1st Rehearsal: July 3rd, 2025
Open: July 16th, 2025
Closes: July 27th, 2025
NOTE: Those auditioning for the “tweens” should avoid playing caricatures and focus on simplicity and specificity to create fully formed, passionate, truthful performances.
Chip Tolentino: Male-identifying. 18+ to play early adolescent. Athletic, social Boy Scout and Spelling
Bee champion defending his title. Puberty hits him at an inopportune moment. He is strong willed,
competitive and ambitious. Role has some of the most difficult singing in the show, requires long
sustained high notes. Open Ethnicity. C4 – B5
Logainne “Schwartzy” Schwartzandgrubenierre: Female-identifying. 18+ to play early adolescent.
Logainne is the youngest and most politically aware speller, often making comments about current
political figures and her mature world views. She is driven by internal and external pressure, but above all a desire to make her two dads proud. She speaks with a slight lisp. Open Ethnicity. A3-F5
Leaf Coneybear: Male-identifying. 18+ to play early adolescent. The second runner-up in his district,
Leaf gets into the competition on a lark and finds everything about the Bee incredibly amusing. He is
home-schooled and comes from a large family of former hippies. He has severe attention deficit
disorder and spells words correctly while in a trance. Open Ethnicity. A3 – A5
William Barfee: Male-identifying. 18 + to play early adolescent. A Putnam County Spelling Bee finalist
last year, he was eliminated because of an allergic reaction and is back for vindication. His famous
“Magic Foot” method of spelling has boosted him to spelling glory, even though he has a touchy,
insecure, bullying personality. He develops a crush on Olive and learns to be less selfish. Open
Ethnicity. E4 – B5
Marcy Park: Female-identifying. 18+ to play early adolescent. The ultimate over-achiever, Marcy has
never been given another option. She comes from a family where excellence is expected and
therefore produced. She sees herself as a mass of problems but keeps them to herself. She’s ready to win to impress her Asian parents. Note: actor will share a “special skill” they have as Marcy shows off other talents besides spelling. C4 – E5
Olive Ostrovsky: Female-identifying. 18+ to play early adolescent. A word lover, Olive has a quiet
life. An only child with often-absent parents, Olive spends a lot of time alone with the dictionary, which brings her comfort. She starts the Bee extremely shy, then blossoms. Open Ethnicity. B3 – F5
Rona Lisa Perretti: 30s – 40s. Female-identifying. The number one realtor in Putnam Country, former
Spelling Bee Champion herself, and returning moderator. A sweet woman who loves children but can
be firm keeping Vice Principal Panch and his feelings for her at bay. Her interest in the Bee is
unflagging and drives it forward. Note: Perretti has strong improv skills, comfortable interacting with
audience members, and a high belt. Open Ethnicity. B3 – F5
Vice Principal Douglas Panch: 30s – 40s. Male-identifying. Frustrated with his life, the drive and
passion of the spellers is alien to him. He’s infatuated with Rona Perretti, who doesn’t return his
affection. He becomes more invested in the Bee and rooting for the students as it goes along. Note:
like Rona, Panch has strong improv skills and is comfortable interacting with audience members.
Should have musicality though no solos. Open Ethnicity.
Mitch Mahoney: 20s – 30s. Male-identifying. With a bouncer’s demeanor, Mitch seems an odd choice for the Bee’s “comfort counselor”, but it’s part of his community service. He doesn’t initially know how to offer comfort to the losers, but over the course of the Bee, Mitch begins to find how help the contestants see the big picture. Open Ethnicity. E4 – A5
AUTHOR: Karen Zacarias
DIRECTOR: Melissa Crespo
1st Rehearsal: July 17th, 2025
Open: July 30th, 2025
Closes: August 10th, 2025
TANIA DEL VALLE: Late 20s. Female-identifying, Latina. A smart, likeable and positive woman from
New Mexico. Fit and highly energized, 8-months pregnant, PhD candidate and gardener. She is
passionate about her native garden and the philosophy behind indigenous plants. Able to speak some limited Spanish.
PABLO DEL VALLE: Early 30s. Male-identifying, Latino. An ambitious and successful attorney born
and raised in Chile trying to make partner by “fitting in” and hosting a BBQ for the entire firm in his new home. Smart, likeable and savvy—he believes in the “American Dream” and is determined to prove that he can have it all. Speaks English with no accent. Speaks Spanish as a native speaker.
VIRGINIA BUTLEY: 55 – 65. Female-identifying, Caucasian. The only female executive working for a
large defense contractor in the DC area. A smart, likeable, assertive, direct and no-nonsense woman
from Buffalo. She will fight ruthlessly to protect her turf.
FRANK BUTLEY: 55 – 65. Male-identifying, Caucasian. A gentle and sensitive man from New
England who has devoted himself to his pristine English garden to relieve his chronic stress. Beta to
his wife’s Alpha—smart, likeable, excitable, caring, and detail-oriented Federal employee.
AUTHOR: Noël Coward
DIRECTOR: Brendon Fox
1st Rehearsal: July 31st, 2025
Open: August 13th, 2025
Close: August 24th, 2025
Note: All actors need to have British dialect.
JUDITH BLISS: 40s. Female-identifying. The matriarch of the family. Smart, witty, charming, former
London theatre star who loves to play games and create drama, but also deeply loves her quirky
family. Open Ethnicity.
DAVID BLISS: 40s – early 50s. Male-identifying. Judith’s husband and a successful novelist. Less
flamboyant than Judith, but quite debonair and charming in a low-key manner. Open Ethnicity.
SOREL BLISS: Early 20s. Female-identifying. Simon’s sister. Raised in a bohemian fashion, Sorel
and Simon love to tease each other and are oblivious to others’ needs or perspectives. Their
narcissism is appealing rather than obnoxious. Open Ethnicity.
SIMON BLISS: Early 20s. Male-identifying. Sorel’s brother. Raised in a bohemian fashion, Sorel and
Simon love to tease each other and are oblivious to others’ needs or perspectives. Their narcissism is appealing rather than obnoxious. Open Ethnicity.
CLARA: 30s – 60s. Female-identifying. The put-upon housekeeper of the Bliss family. Overwhelmed
and the only voice of sanity in this strange household. Open Ethnicity.
MYRA ARUNDEL: 30s. Female-identifying. A fashionable vamp who is a “frenemy” of Judith’s. Sharp, witty, unashamed. Open Ethnicity.
RICHARD GREATHAM: 30s – early 40s. Male-identifying. Proper diplomat who tries to cover his
shock at the erratic behavior around him. Open Ethnicity.
JACKIE CORYTON: 20s – early 30s. Female-identifying. An innocent flapper obsessed with David
Bliss. Takes people at face value and becomes more anxious the longer she spends time with the
eccentric Bliss family. Open Ethnicity.
SANDY TYRELL: 20s – early 30s. Male-identifying. Earnest, fresh-faced boxer who’s full of “labrador
retriever” energy. Has an athletic build and catches the eye of the mother Judith. Open Ethnicity.
CORST $776 weekly minimum (Cat. zz)